Hackers. We do not know much about them. Except that the ones we hear about most on social media or have more followers on Twitter are not necessarily the most dangerous. The world of piracy is rather mysterious and likes to remain discreet.
But if we do not know who they are, we know what they want: find the loopholes, measure against the security giants, and test the capabilities of their equipment.
The crackers (cyber criminals) and the script kiddies (amateur hackers) are distinguished primarily by their intentions. If the latter are especially animated by the curiosity and the computer challenge, the motivations of the first category are either financial (steal and sell data) or terrorist.
The cyber pirates known as Shadow Brokers for example, might have sold cyber-weapons at an auction open to governments, and thus play a role on the international political scene.
Anonymous, the Guy Fawkes of the Internet, are depicted as some sort of activists, the Robin Hood kinds of people.
Lizard Squad played a little game of their own, posting the Islamic State flag on Sony and Microsoft websites, which resulted in several arrests.
The Syrian Electronic Army is known as the cyber army of Bashar el-Assad and already hacked the pages of the BBC, of Barack Obama or the New York Times…